Volunteers in Service to America: a Personal Journey
Chapter 7. The Volunteers-Where are they today?
The Volunteers: Where are They? The following is a list of names are from an address book that I used while in V.I.S.T.A. in Broward County Florida in 1969-70. These people were either part of my group or I was involved with them through V.I.S.T.A. in some way. If you are listed below or have information about those in these pages or were part of our group but are not listed here, could you please email
Federico Santi with contact information? Thanks.
Volunteers in my group that were headquartered out of Broward County Florida.
{If you are a V.I.S.T.A. Alumni, you are encouraged to visit the VISTA campus site listed below-click on it !}
Dana Brownstein: 321 Hazeltine Dr, Debary, Fl, 32713
Mark Buckbinder
Steve Ciano: 351 Mississippi Street / San Francisco, CA 94107.
Carole Carlisle
Agnes Donegan
Ginny Doying
Frances Eaton (married Bill Millhouser)
Larry Evans
Steve Fulton
Steve Garcia
Penny Hazard (Miami VISTA)
Gene and Cielle (Lucille) Hosler
Jane Hoyme
Dave Henderson
Terry Jacobs
Rudi Juarez
Jim Kennedy
Kathy Kramer
Rob and Linda Kambak
Margo Karlek-Hildreth
Louise Lyman
Gary Maske: Gary grew up among six siblings in a small cabin on Gillette's Lake in Jackson, Michigan. (Brothers, Larry and Michael and sisters Kathi, Terri, Chris, and Mary all still live in or around Jackson.) He was a baseball standout at Michigan Center High School, Jackson Junior College, and attended Idaho State University where he played for the baseball and swim teams, and highlighted his career with a no-hitter. He worked multiple jobs to pay his way, getting a taste of several different majors in between hikes up the mountains of Pocatello. As a VISTA volunteer in Florida, he repeatedly cancelled appointments with Jane Pfann, who had heard from the McDonoughs that he was "cute." After about four attempts, she secured a business appointment with him for "interagency cooperation." A partnership was forged and they were married in August of 1970. Gary found a high school teaching job at Orange High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina, and the couple soon found a 1920's farm house in Chapel Hill. They had two children: Fredrick in 1975 and Buffy in 1980. Gary taught at Orange for nearly twenty years and still holds the record for Teacher of the Year awards. While he was a member of an outstanding English faculty, he also taught several specialty courses that had never been offered before and never since. He translated his long-time baseball skills into the building of the OHS baseball program, winning a Conference Championship in 1982. (In 2008, the program won its first State Championship under the guidance of Gary's former assistant coach, Dean Dease.) When the need for self-employment became overwhelming, he resigned from teaching, spent a couple of years working for a landscaping company, and then started his own. He tended to lawns and gardens (and frequently doubled as social worker to the clients) for the rest of his life. While he may have grumbled about the hassles of travel, he had more fun than anybody else once the family hit the road. He kissed the Blarney Stone in Ireland, channeled Homer at the Acropolis, watched whales in Nova Scotia, and caught Amberjack off the Outer Banks of NC. He revived his Boy Scout days, hiking the Philmont trails of New Mexico with his son in 1991. He and Fred attended a spring training VISTA reunion in Fort Myers in 1997, joining Jim Kennedy, Paul McDonough, and Joe Muldoon in a weekend of debauchery. They also journeyed to back Michigan for the final game at Tiger Stadium in 1999. Gary passed away in January, 2004, of a fast-moving cancer. (Age 61) Like a good Boy Scout, he left the place in better shape than how he found it. Jane retired after 30 years as an adoption worker and now holds down the fort in Chapel Hill. Buffy is an artist, also in Chapel Hill, and Fredrick is an actor and writer in Los Angeles. (Submitted by Frederick Maske) fmaske@mac.com.
Paul McDonough
William (Bill) Millhouser (Married Frances Eaton)
Joe Muldon
William Murphy
Gerald Neyman
Rose Mary Reichardt
John Riccio
Pat Russoniello
Federico Santi: 152 Spring Street / Newport, RI 02840 / 401-261-3980.
Joy Sherman
George Siegal
Helen Souza
Dan Watkins
Beverly Wolfram
As a photo-journalist, one of my jobs was to document activities including children in day-care centers, children at play in a variety of places including playgrounds, in class, at the beach, etc. I took all these images between the years 1968 and 1969 in and around South Florida including Broward County and Homestead.
Our email address: drawrm@hotmail.com
Pages originally instatalled May 21, 2008 and updated when necessary
Web site for Photographer Federico Santi
This archive collection of photographs is located at 152-154 Spring Street, Newport, Rhode Island 02840. If you have an interest in using a specific photograph or wish to discuss publishing in either book or exhibition form please call Federico Santi at 401-261-3980. All images copyright by F. Santi and copying or used without the express permission of the photographer is forbidden.